Competition: Nominierung Landesauswahl Sachsen

  • 69 athletes from 1 nation
  • 38 women and 31 men
  • 6 distances (1000m, 200m (1. Race), 200m (2. Race), 300m (1. Race), 300m (2. Race), 500m)
  • 160 races

Women - Tableview

Name200m (1. Race)
Juniors E2
200m (2. Race)
Juniors E2
300m (1. Race)
Juniors D1
300m (1. Race)
Juniors D
300m (1. Race)
Juniors C1
300m (2. Race)
Juniors D1
300m (2. Race)
Juniors D
300m (2. Race)
Juniors C1
Out of Competition
Juniors D
Juniors C1
Out of Competition
Jessy Seifert (E2) 23.34 (3) 23.58 (3) - - - - -
Linda Reinhold (E2) 23.63 (6) 23.49 (2) - - - - -
Xenia Mühle (E2) 22.84 (2) 27.94 (9) - - - - -
Chiara-Alisa Herold (E2) 25.16 (9) 25.84 (7) - - - - -
Maria Böhmichen (E2) 24.22 (7) 24.80 (5) - - - - -
Antonia Mühle (E2) 22.67 (1) 22.74 (1) - - - - -
Laura Tobisch (E2) 34.94 (12) 26.38 (8) - - - - -
Vanessa Reinhold (E2) 25.15 (8) 25.31 (6) - - - - -
Linda Baumann (E2) 23.40 (5) 24.24 (4) - - - - -
Jessica Rädel (E2) 26.97 (10) 28.24 (10) - - - - -
Selina Raack (E2) 23.39 (4) 30.38 (12) - - - - -
Luisa Holub (E2) 28.01 (11) 28.74 (11) - - - - -
Lisa Mulack (D1) - - 33.29 (8) - - 33.48 (6) -
Selina-Shirin Spörl (D1) - - 34.84 (11) - - 33.84 (8) -
Alicia Barndt (D1) - - 30.05 (1) - - 31.09 (1) -
Vivien Crull (D1) - - 32.32 (5) - - 32.91 (4) -
Selina Büssow (D1) - - 31.74 (3) - - 37.36 (10) -
Liane Schall (D1) - - 33.05 (6) - - 33.02 (5) -
Michelle Christ (D1) - - 38.42 (12) - - 38.19 (11) -
Sarah Meyer (D1) - - 33.76 (10) - - 34.41 (9) -
Alexandra Firl (D1) - - 32.13 (4) - - 32.60 (3) -
Carolin-Juliane Sonntag (D1) - - 33.20 (7) - - 41.68 (12) -
Melia Maucksch (D1) - - 31.31 (2) - - 31.78 (2) -
Anna Schauberger (D1) - - 33.31 (9) - - 33.70 (7) -
Selina Steinert (D2) - - - 31.80 (6) - - 31.24 (5) 50.034
Antonia Herold (D2) - - - 30.31 (2) - - 29.63 (2) 47.722
Michelle Ackermann (D2) - - - 31.51 (4) - - 31.56 (6) 50.065
Lisa Thöricht (D2) - - - 30.20 (1) - - 29.63 (1) 47.531
Tina Demmler (D2) - - - 31.73 (5) - - 30.76 (4) 51.586
Sophie Geisler (D2) - - - 32.80 (7) - - 33.18 (7) 52.827
Luise Nieke (D2) - - - 31.17 (3) - - 30.42 (3) 49.053
Leonie Schäfer (C1) - - - - 29.95 (3) - - 30.05348.354
Romy Klädtke (C1) - - - - 29.76 (2) - - 29.41247.712
Rosa Schareck (C1) - - - - 30.10 (4) - - 30.37447.893
Anne Vormfenne (C1) - - - - 29.54 (1) - - 29.38147.531
Jessica Erdmann (C1) - - - - 32.53 (5) - - 32.24551.315
Michelle Reinhold (C2) - - - - - - - 45.2911:31.241
Laura Korndörfer (B1) - - - - - - - 46.4421:35.932

Single Day 1 - 08.01.2011

Samalogs 08.01.2011

  • Men

  • Juniors E2

  • Allround
    200 (1. Race) meter
    200 (2. Race) meter
  • Juniors D1

  • Allround
    300 (1. Race) meter
    300 (2. Race) meter
  • Juniors D

  • Allround
    300 (2. Race) meter
    300 (1. Race) meter
    500 meter
  • Juniors C1

  • Allround
    300 (2. Race) meter
    500 meter
    300 (1. Race) meter
  • Women

  • Juniors E2

  • Allround
    200 (1. Race) meter
    200 (2. Race) meter
  • Juniors D1

  • Allround
    300 (1. Race) meter
    300 (2. Race) meter
  • Juniors D

  • Allround
    300 (1. Race) meter
    500 meter
    300 (2. Race) meter
  • Juniors C1

  • Allround
    300 (1. Race) meter
    500 meter
    300 (2. Race) meter